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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen

ECO School


We are proud to be an 'Eco School' and from children begin their time with us they are taught the importance of looking after our world. Our new Eco code is “Grow and learn together “

We have a dedicated eco week in March each year when we focus on what we can all do to reduce waste.

Throughout the year children are given the opportunity to learn outdoors about the importance of looking after nature and they are always encouraged to observe things growing.



Spring flowers 


Spring is on its way and we have started to tidy up the garden and do some planting. The children all enjoyed helping and will be learning how to look after the flowers.


Planting Daffodil bulbs

We had great fun filling our pots with soil and planting daffodil bulbs. Everyone took their own pot home to look after and watch the flower grow in Spring.



Planting Sunflowers    ( National flower of Ukraine)

All the children planted their own sunflower seeds and took them home to look after. They are excited to see if the flowers will grow taller than they are.

Working in the vegetable garden 

We all helped to turn over the soil in our vegetable garden so it was ready for planting. Then we dug holes with trowels to put our broad bean and strawberry plants in. We also planted seed potatoes in sacks and tomato plants in grow bags. 


Looking after our plants


We have been very busy looking after all of the flowers, fruit and vegetables we planted in school. They need sunshine to help them grow and we have helped to water them using rain water from our water butts. See how much they have grown already.



Tree planting 


Its exciting to see how big our trees have have got already. They are growing strong and tall. Can you guess what sort of trees have the pretty blossom on them?

School was given this lovely tree as part of “Planning for a Positive Future” . We planted it in a pot until we decide where to put it. It’s little green buds are now starting to open up into new little green leaves.



Growing fast !!!!!!!


Look at how well our fruit and vegetable plants are growing. The potato plants are almost as tall as some of the children and hopefully we will be able to dig some up soon and cook them in school. The children have already been enjoying the strawberries and with some more sunshine the rest will turn red quickly. Our broad beans are getting bigger each day and we will be able to pick them soon too.



Bulb planting - Oct 2022


The children have been very busy in school working outside in the garden helping to brush up the leaves and get ready for planting. It’s the right time of the year to do some planting for Spring. We all enjoyed getting involved in planting our own daffodil bulbs to take home and look after. Ask your child what he/she needed to do to help the flowers grow.



Outdoor learning 2022


We have been focusing on the season of Autumn in school and the changes that we see in nature. The children enjoyed getting involved in lots of outdoor learning activities. Some of these are Forest School based which we have been able to carry out in our playground. 
The children were matching colours in nature, collecting natural materials for 1 to 1 correspondence and being creative hiding the hedgehog.

Later in the year we hope to visit Forthill park to further develop and explore our Forest School area.



RSPB Big school garden bird watch


This week we all took part in the RSPB big school garden bird watch. We had already been busy making our own binoculars in class ready for today.

The children all helped to make bird feeders which we hung around outside on the trees. We also put bird seed on the bird table and waited. There was a lot of excitement when the first birds were spotted and the counting began.

Once we had finished and results were recorded I uploaded them onto the RSPB website. The children enjoyed learning the names of different birds and we talked about the different colours and sizes of those that landed in our playground.



Spring flowers 


Spring is just around the corner and we have started to tidy up the garden. The children are enjoying planting flowers in our pots and will be learning how to look after them.




Spring is here!!


What a busy few weeks we have had in school now that the weather is getting warmer. The children have all been helping to get our vegetable garden ready for planting. They were clearing away the leaves and weeds before turning over the soil in preparation for planting.

This year we have three potato sacks started with earlys. The children enjoyed putting the individual peas into each hole they dug and counting them as we went along. We have also added some lettuce seeds and more strawberry plants so hopefully there will be plenty to enjoy eating.

The last plants to go in were the tomatoes which are already smelling gorgeous in the conservatory. Now we will all have to remember to water everything and look after them.


Look at what we grew!!!!!

The children in school have really looked after our fruit and vegetables this year. With the very hot weather we had to do lots of extra watering but it worked and so far we have harvested our potatoes and strawberries. Which were really yummy.
The peas are still growing and our tomatoes have appeared, some of them are beginning to turn red already.




Eco School 2023


In September we were able to pick the lovely red apples that had grown on our apple trees at the front of school. We made delicious apple crumble with them and everyone enjoyed having some for our snack.

October has started and we are busy with our planting. The children have all planted their own daffodil bulb in school and taken it home to look after and watch grow.


RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2024


We all had a very busy time in school this week getting ready for the Birdwatch. Lots of the children helped to make different types of bird feeders. We used cheerios, bagels with lard and sunflower seeds and tubes with birdseed on them.

In class we spent time looking at books and pictures of birds. We talked about what they eat. how they move and why they need extra food at this time of the year. Some of the children were able to name the Robin, blackbird and magpies.

It was very exciting watching to see what birds came to our playground to eat. We saw lots of Great Tits and Magpies. Mrs McBride loaded our results onto the RSPB website.


NI Water Visit


At the beginning of February we had a very informative visit and talk from Anna who works for education in NI Water . We learnt how water is collected and cleaned using sand , which she showed us with a bottle and filter. She told the children all about how we need to save water and not waste it at home and in school. Anna explained how lots of things we drink have too much sugar in them and that we should drink lots more water to be healthy.





Safe Walking


This month we have been learning how to walk safely when we are out beside the road with a grown up. The Police came to school to help us practice this. The children all learnt that we must hold someone’s hand and stay on the pavement away from the edge near the road.

The Police came back this week in February and we went for another walk to see if we could be safe beside the road. All the children walked very well and received a Safe Walking Certificate from the Policeman.


Eco week 4 - 8 March 2024


This week the children have been learning more about taking care of the environment and their world. Each day we have been thinking about how we can re use things, save water, recycle and help prevent pollution. 
We took home a shower timer, a reusable drawstring bag, a beach quiz, a reusable water bottle and we walked to school together one morning.



Planting Cress 2024


We currently are unable to do all the flower and vegetable planting that we normally do at this time of the year due to the ongoing work in the playground. So the children all helped to grow some cress in the classroom. They each individually sewed their own cress seeds in little pots and will be able to take them home once the seeds begin to germinate . 
This was a different experience for the children as we didn’t need any soil!!!!


New Life 2024


We have been very lucky this year to have the opportunity to have some eggs in an incubator in the classroom. The children have patiently waited and last week we had 5 little chicks hatch out. Everyone was very excited and we watched them grow before they went back to the farm.

Again this year we had some caterpillars in school and observed how they grew and changed into cocoons and then Beautiful butterflies which we were able to release in the garden.



Busy bees!!! (May 2024)


The new playground is really taking shape now and with the help of a very dedicated parent volunteer we have managed to transplant some of our original plants and add many new ones to our new wooden planters . 
The children have also been busy planting some flowers in our troughs and we have got some new hanging baskets with strawberries and tomatoes growing in our conservatory.




September 2024


We have had a great season for our apples this year with all of the trees bearing fruit . The children were able to go out and help pick some lovely red juicy apples and bring them back into the classroom. After washing and chopping them in the house, they enjoyed tasting them for our snack.



Bulb planting.


The children have all been busy helping to plant some daffodil bulbs. They were all able to fill their own pot with compost and make a little bed for the bulb. We planted it roots down and once covered over they gave the plants a big drink of water before they took them home to care for and watch grow.



Forest School


Everyone enjoyed taking part in the forest school activities organised by Mrs McBride in the playground. The children had opportunities to observe colour in the environment and match items they find to individual colour cards. They explored mark making using soil and sticks for drawing and even painted with leaf brushes. Finally we helped the hedgehog hide by making him a cozy bed of leaves.



Santa Mile a day!


The children and their parents had an early morning walk on Friday, the 6th of December. They met with staff before school and did a Santa Mile. Everyone taking part really got into the Christmas spirit and were full of very energy coming to school.


RSPB big garden bird watch!!


Due to the storm we had to change the day of our bird watch. The children all had great fun making binoculars and bird feeders in preparation for the big day. There was a lot of fine motor skill learning involved in cutting, buttering, tying and rolling to make everything we needed.

There was a lot of excitement as we waited for the birds to visit our playground. Unfortunately we only managed to see some pigeons, crows and magpies but by looking at all the books and pictures we had in school the children have now learnt quite a few bird names and are able to recognise them.




Poly tunnel excitement !!!


At last our poly tunnel was delivered and installed in the front of school this week. The men were very busy and worked hard to get it finished in one day. We are now looking forward to being able to get on with the project and start our planting.