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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen

A very busy week!

23rd May 2024

What a busy time we have had in school this week. The children were all excited to see our butterflies have all woken up from their big sleep in the cocoons and we successfully released them into the flowers in the playground.

The excitement continued when the eggs in the incubator began to crack and we now have 7 gorgeous fluffy little chicks in school. This has been a great experience for the children to watch and they were thrilled to see the chicks and even knew that you had to touch them very gently.


Tuesday was the perfect day for our sports in Brewster park and it was a great success. The children enjoyed travelling together by bus and were able to learn the skills of rugby, football and gaelic from our helpers. Thanks to the volunteers for giving up their time and expertise to teach the children. We all had a brilliant day!

( see the live Facebook page for photos)


Yesterday was our final shared education visit with Holy Trinity Nursery. The pupils from Mrs class came by bus to play in our school and it was lovely to see our friends again and show them our new playground and all of our toys in school.



School is closed tomorrow and Monday for the bank holiday weekend. I hope you enjoy a lovely break and that the weather holds up.

Remember Pirate day is next Friday. There is no need to buy a costume for this as homemade are often the best and the children enjoy helping to make it.