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Enniskillen Nursery School, Enniskillen

Full-Time Class

Welcome to our class. We hope that you enjoy looking at all the fun we have together! We are very busy in school, there are 14 girls and 14 boys in our class.

Mrs Pattison teaches us on a Monday and on Tuesday while Mrs Phair does her work in the office. Mrs Phair teaches us on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Mrs McGourty is our nursery assistant and Mrs Fitzpatrick works in the room to support individual children.

We love learning, having fun together and making new friends!



22nd Jun 2024
Yesterday I sent a message to say we would walk to Ardhowen on Monday but we overlooked...
21st Jun 2024
We are focusing on enjoying the children and giving them lots of memories and experiences...
7th Jun 2024
We have started our jungle animal topic and the children have enjoyed learning facts...
31st May 2024
Another short but jam packed week!! This week we finished off our pirate topic and...

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